Chalkboard Therapy

Archiving Photos, Recipies & Little Memories

Sunday Brunch: Heirloom Potatoes & Poached Egg

Farmers Market // Chalkboard Therapy

I love the smell and feeling of summer, even though the second it get’s above 75 degrees, I squeal and complain knowing there are many restless nights ahead of me. Our fan broke at the end of the warm season last year, and of course that portable AC unit we meant to replace it with got pushed to the back of our minds during the cooler days. Now the South and West sun turns our apartment into a Sauna, and I’m scolding myself every time I lay in bed awake, thinking I really shouldn’t have put off the home depot trip for this long.

However, the first (and very early) heat wave is behind us and it’s finally ok to turn my oven back on without Jason or myself getting a heat stroke in here. I found some really great things yesterday at the farmers market. Summer brings so many colors, and I feel like anything with the word heirloom has to become part of my inventory.

So for brunch, Heirloom Rosemary Potatoes with Poached Egg and Hollandaise Sauce sounds just plain amazing.

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Let’s make picnic food.

Roasted Red Pepper & Orzo Salad

Roasted Red Pepper Salad // Chalkboard Therapy

I know it’s been a while. Again.
I”m sorry.

This year seems to fly by faster than the last, and there is so much going on in life. I appreciate that no matter how long my absence, I can come back and you are still here. Patiently waiting on my return.

We are still working on our coffee shop, Bean Bar. It’s taken longer than expected to open, and there are so many little things to deal with, but we are only a few months away from making all of it happen. While opening this shop, attending my day job, and having a little addition to our family, I haven’t made much time for blogging or photography. Two of my passions have been pushed to the side.

Have you done that before?

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Frohes Neues Jahr

… is how we say happy New Year in Germany. While my friends in Australia, and my family and friends in Germany have already made it to 2014, I am finally reflecting on this year.

It’s been a good year, not great, not bad. We got our feet wet with the set up for the coffee shop, and cannot wait to actually open it next year. We’ve already overcome hurdles, and are pushing through more. It’s exciting and scary and overwhelming.

This year was the first year that I  renewed a lease (EVER) on an apartment. Really weird for me. Usually I get up and move either across the city, across the state, country, or, well… globe. I am a wanderer, I am not lost. I love discovering. There wasn’t enough of that this year.

The best thing about this year was spending time with my family, friends and most importantly the love of my life: Jason. He has continued to support me, be there for me, put me in my place when I needed it. More than anything though, he has just unconditionally loved me. I am so incredibly grateful for this kind of love. The kind that feels like you’ve had it for forever and it’s solid, but at the same time still fresh and new, like you just met. The one where you still get those butterflies when he walks through the door. I still blush all the time. I love it. I love him.

I hope 2014 brings in greatness, makes you discover new horizons, pushes you up the biggest hill, and then let’s you enjoy the view for a while.

Frohes Neues Jahr
– Sandra

Arugula & Persimmon on Toast

Persimmon Grilled Cheese // Chalkboard Therapy

I love sandwiches.

One of my first suggestions when Jason asks “what’s for dinner” will be a panini, or a sandwich. Most likely I will have already had something similar for lunch but nothing beats a good slice of bread.

The other thing I love is cheese. Give me a smelly cheese and I will kiss your feet. Okay, not literally, but I love me a good grilled cheese. It’s one of those American traditions that I am fully embracing.

Persimmon Grilled Cheese // Chalkboard Therapy
Naturally, on a day that Jason is at work and I am at home, I will make a sandwich. My fridge is looking really sad lately, but I had a few ingredients in there, including a persimmon. I have never had a persimmon, ever. I didn’t know what to expect from it. Was it sweet, or savory. How do I eat this?

The only reason I bought it was because I heard about a persimmon farm where you can pick your own. I figured before I go pick  hundreds of persimmons, I should try it first. So, I bought one. And it has been in my fridge for a week now.

The time had come to confront this little fruit.

Persimmon Grilled Cheese // Chalkboard Therapy

I had some toast, cheese, arugula, and an avocado. I didn’t know where this was going to go, but I was ready.

Persimmon Grilled Cheese // Chalkboard Therapy

So I made some guacamole, because everything is better with some guac.

I sautéd some onions and mushroom for a second version.

There was some spicy mustard and I was no idea which way this was going to go. Definitely getting a little scared in my kitchen.

Persimmon Grilled Cheese // Chalkboard Therapy

So I made a grilled cheese, without any of the rest of the ingredients. I almost went back to basics and ditched the rest. I am glad I didn’t. Then I peeled it apart and fell in love with the melted cheese. Add some sliced persimmon, arugula, and a whole lot of guacamole and stick back together.

For the second sandwich I only grilled one slice of toast with cheese on it. The other slice gets some spicy mustard  on it. Add the sautéd veggies, more arugula, stick back together and grill the side that has the mustard.

Take a bite.

Enter food heaven.


Persimmon Grilled Cheese // Chalkboard Therapy

Persimmon, Veggie and Arugula Toast.


2 slices of bread
Spicy Mustard
Shredded Cheese
Handful of Arugula
3 Slices of Persimmon
4 Crimini Mushrooms, sliced
1/3 cup sliced onion
Some butter

Sauté mushroom and onion in a little bit of olive oil till vegetables are cooked. Set aside.

Heat butter in a medium skillet over medium heat. Layer cheese on toast and grill till cheese is melty.

Spread Mustard on the other slice of toast. Layer with Persimmon, Arugula, Veggies. Combine both slices and grill the side

Place sandwich in the pan, Mustard side down, and grill until bread is toasted to a golden brown.

Cut and serve immediately.

Guacamole, Persimmon, Arugula on Toast

2 Slices of Bread
Shredded Cheese
Handful of Arugula
3 Slices Persimmon

Heat butter in a medium skillet over medium heat. Layer cheese and persimmon in between toast and grill till cheese is melty, but toast isn’t too brown.

Pull apart, layer with Arugula, and Guacamole.

Combine both slices, cut and serve immediately.

I made my Guacamole with a little bit of lime, 4 cherry tomatoes chopped, salt, pepper, and chilly pepper.